Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Not a Cloud in the Sky

Hello fellow examiners! This is my last blog post for my Capstone and will detail my conclusion for my findings.

After conducting this forensic analysis of the IDrive Windows application, the investigator found that the data is stored in two default locations, which are: “C:\Program Files (x86)\IDriveWindows\” and “C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\IDrive\”.  Within this second location most of the important forensic artifacts are stored, including logs, which provide details about every action performed within IDrive and every file that was ever backed up, restored, deleted, cleaned up, and moved from the IDrive trash to the original location within the IDrive backup set.

Also, when a file is deleted within the IDrive backup set, it is moved to the IDrive trash, which is recorded in a log.  These files still remain on the computer however.  Once the files are deleted from the IDrive trash, the files still remain on the computer, but they don’t remain in the IDrive backup set until they are backed up again.  This data is again, recorded in a log.  Once a backed up file is deleted from the computer itself, the user can run Archive Cleanup, which removes it completely from the IDrive backup, which is logged as well.

It was also found that an investigator can find the computer name and the IDrive username from the artifacts generated by IDrive.  The investigator was able to prove that it is possible to recover the username and password of the IDrive account by acquiring and analyzing a RAM dump of the computer.

An investigator will additionally be able to tell if another computer was backed up to IDrive using the same IDrive account, as the computer name for each connected computer is used as the parent folder in the backup set to store the data.  An investigator will be able to tell if another drive was connected to a computer, if the contents of this drive were backed up to IDrive, as there is a drive letter associated with the drive and shown in the IDrive backup set.

Furthermore, if a user shares files from IDrive via Twitter or Facebook, the investigator will have the ability to find the files that were shared.  He or she will be able to have access to the URL that is generated from IDrive, which is used to share the files.

Moreover, the investigator found 4 files are generated on the computer during install of IDrive, which connect to the Internet to send data and reach out to the IDrive website, as well as IDrive’s host company.  These files used various protocols and ports to connect out to the Internet.

Once IDrive is unistalled, an investigator will still have access to all of the important artifacts, as the AppData Local IDrive folder is not deleted after uninstall.  This will allow an investigator to conduct a thorough investigation even after a user attempts to remove evidence of the IDrive Windows application. Everything that a user does within IDrive, can be found out by an investigator because everything is documented by logs and session files.

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