Sunday, April 13, 2014

Hidden Behind the Cumulonimbus Part 2

Hello all!  I have been very busy over the past few weeks trying to finish analyzing my data and finalizing my capstone paper.  This blog post is a continuation of the previous and will consist of 2 parts because there is a lot of data that I would like to present to my fellow investigators.

In my last post I talked a little bit about the IDTEMP folder, which appears only when a user is logged into IDrive.  After conducting further tests, I have found that there are more files generated in this folder based on certain actions performed in IDrive, which you can see in the image below.

IDTEMP Folder Artifacts

I talked a little bit about the “Outfile_Authlist.txt” file in my last post, but I have found more information about this file in my update. This file is generated after viewing the restore tab in IDrive.  This file is updated every time a user opens the contents of a folder in the restore tab.  For instance, if the user is navigating through to the Pictures folder (PC_NAME\C\Users\username\Pictures\), the last folder that the user selected, will show up in this file as fname.   Within this file, an investigator will find a list of file(s)/folder(s) that are currently selected in the backup window to be restored.  The investigator will also find specific details about these file(s)/folder(s) such as: the item type, directory (D) or file (F), size, file version, modification time, whether or not there is a thumbnail associated with the file, and the full name (fname) of the files/folders that are currently active in the restore window.  For files, an investigator can also view the file size and the file version of the file.


The “OutputFile_Delete.txt” file is generated after deleting files from the IDrive backup set.  Within this file, an investigator will find a detailed list about the files that were deleted from the IDrive backup set.  These files will contain details about the type of operation performed (item op=”deleted”), the file name and path of the file(s)/folder(s) deleted (fname), and the total number of items that were deleted. 


The “OutputFile_Search.txt” file is generated after a user views the contents of the IDrive trash.  Within this file, an investigator will find a detailed list about the files that are currently in the trash.  The contents of this file include: the last modification time, the size, the file version, whether or not the file(s)/folder(s) are in the trash, the reference ID number, the filename and path, and the total number of items located within the trash.


The “OutputFile_MTO.txt” file is generated after a user moves delete files from the IDrive trash to their original location in the backup set.  This file contains similar data to the “OutputFile_Delete.txt” file.  An investigator will see that the files were moved successfully (item op=”moved successfully”), the filename and path of the file(s)/folder(s) being moved (fname), and the total number of items moved.


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